Jun 12, 2013

Burn 500 Calories Fast!

Running stairs is high intensity interval training and one of the best ways to shape up. Jogging or running stairs engages all of the muscles in your lower body, helping to strengthen and tone your legs while sculpting your hamstrings and glutes - the perfect cure for saddlebags, saggy butt and excess fat in the rear end! Running stairs is also cheap, you don't need a gym or equipment, just sneakers and some motivation - it is a perfect excuse to get outside in the summer and resourceful use of indoor stairs in the winter.  Running stairs is a functional activity, everyday we have to walk up and down steps, if we train our bodies to do this well, then we can do it with more ease in our day to day lives.

Running stairs is obviously a cardiovascular intense activity, if you pump your arms while you run you will work the core and the upper body also.  Running stairs will enable you to burn a ton of calories quickly, in 30 minutes you can burn 350 - 650 calories.  Once you have found a flight of stairs, run up it as quickly as possible, it is best to skip steps (if they are not too spaced out), you will get a better workout. Once you get to the top, catch your breath as you  walk down.  Repeat the stairs 5 - 10 times for 20 - 30 minutes and try to do this at least once a week, you will start to notice an improvement in your cardiovascular conditioning as well as your leg strength and tone.

Start running stairs today, you will be amazed at the results. There is still time to shed excess weight and sculpt sexy legs for the summer months!

"The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have."
- Vince Lombardi