Aug 31, 2011
Greetings From Toronto: Moksha Yoga
"Don't be afraid to try a new yoga class!" In New York Jade practices yoga 3-4 times a week at Pure Yoga and takes the occasional Bikram class. But this weekend Jade Alexis travelled to Toronto and tried a Moksha yoga class.
"Moksha is different than the yoga I practice in New York," said Jade. "The class is set in a hot room and is similar to Bikram Yoga." Jade describes the class as a mix between Vinyassa and Bikram. After the Moksha class Jade ran 2 miles on the track. "I was rejuvenated! It felt great to run after the yoga - my body was warmed up and loose."
Aug 29, 2011
Revolutionize Your Workout: Jade of Spades
Finally it's here! The newest fitness app to hit the App Store: Jade of Spades.
The application, Jade of Spades, is a mobile interactive fitness card game with a diverse repertoire of exercises that are randomly selected (depending on what workout you have chosen to play). It gives the user a customizer workout every time they play. Using algorithms, the app chooses the number of repetitions within the specific training programs from cardio and strength to total body and leg workouts.
The game is based on interval training that alternates bursts of high intensity work with periods of recovery (including rest and lower intensity activity).
Aug 26, 2011
Curious About Chris Collins?
He started his career by chance working at Footlocker in New Jersey, when someone suggested that he model. A graduate from the University of Maine and a 4-year starter and captain on their basketball team, Chris Collins is more than just a pretty face! You have probably seen Collins in many magazines posing for Ralph Lauren.
Traditionally models are viewed as having poor eating habits, what are your thoughts on this?
There is a lot of pressure to be skinny in the industry. I also feel the pressure, but I will never let myself do that. I eat for health reasons not to be a particular size. I've noticed that even sample sizes are getting smaller and smaller than they used to be. And I have been doing this for 15 years.
Aug 24, 2011
True Test of Fitness: Kettlebell Kickboxing
"I've always wanted to learn to use kettlebells and I love that the workout was mixed with martial arts" said Jade "The class had several kick boxing moves which were great for dynamic stretching, I definitely wanted to learn more!" The next day, Jade said that she was surprised she was not as sore as she thought she would have been.
"I think it may be the balance between the flexibility and strength training or the fact I am in pretty good shape."
All in all the class was great and the instructors were great. Only one gripe; "There were no showers! But that's typical of New York." said Jade.
The best part of the workout? "I really enjoyed going with my sister it was a fun activity for us to do together. We were both tired and exhausted from a long day and dreading the workout but after the class we were energized."
*Athleta was kind enough to provide us with passes for the kettlebell kickboxing class.
Aug 22, 2011
Monday Morning Blues
Feeling a little tired this morning? Maybe you have a lack of energy."Many people who complain of fatigue are actually dehydrated. Staying hydrated is one of the simplest ways to keep energized and focused." (MSN Today Health) Don't fall for the misconception that energy drinks will help hydrate you. Simply avoid energy drinks! Energy drinks are a quick fix that can have dangerous effects on your body. Read more about how to stay hydrated so you can be alert and focused here.
Aug 19, 2011
Life After the NBA with All-Star Jeff Malone
Who was the best player you ever played against?
Michael Jordan. No one ever beat him. He has the most championships.
What advice do you have for retired athletes?
Stay in shape! You don't have to go crazy with it, but find a regiment that works for you. Find something that you like to do even if it is another sport but allows you to be competitive. I like tennis and now I am getting into golf. I let my self gain weight so now I am trying to get back into shape.
Are your workouts similar to when you were playing?
I'm older now so my workouts are a little different. I walk everyday. I start my mornings with a 2-3 mile walk. In the afternoon I will go to the weight room with my son and walk a mile on the treadmill. Then at night I walk a mile with my wife.
Lots of parents have a hard time getting their kids to workout, how do you do it?
My oldest son and daughter don't love it, but they do it. I take my son to the gym to work on basketball drills, it's something he likes to do. My daughter and I will go to the the gym and do cardio together. It's nice because it gives us a chance to talk.
What motivates you to workout?
Staying healthy and I want to lose weight.
Have you changed your diet?
My family has always eaten pretty healthy - protein, veggies and an apple everyday. I am switching to whole grain now.
Any fast food?
Not really. Even my kids don't eat fast food. We brought them up to eat healthy. Every now and then they will eat Subway if you consider that fast food.
What else are you doing now to keep busy?
I am the Director of Basketball Operations at the Bridge. It is a youth center for kids. I run basketball clinics and camps for kids. I am also the CEO of Operations Next Level. Essentially, we place kids before they slip through the cracks. They are good players but don't get the exposure they need to get recruited by colleges. We are a fairly new company but have had many athletes continue on to the next level after high school.
See Malone in action! Check out one of the NBA's greatest shots, Malone's Game Winning 3-Pointer vs. the Detroit Pistons.
Aug 17, 2011
Free Yoga!
Why practice Yoga? It calms your body, mind and soul. It gives you that extra energy boost to keep you going strong throughout your day and it relieves stress! Every Sunday morning at the Lincoln Center Lululemon store from 10:00-11:00am there is a free yoga class. It is open for all levels, including beginners. Feel the benefits of yoga you won't be disappointed. If you don't live in the New York area, check out your local Lululemon or your local yoga studio and YMCA for free yoga classes.
For more details visit: Lululemon Athletica
Aug 15, 2011
Upgrade Your Workout Like an Athlete
All successful athletes have similar traits when it comes to maximizing their workouts. Setting goals, proper nutrition, and getting enough rest are among the various qualities they have. Most of us don't have the luxury of having a strength and conditioning coach like most athletes. However, you can easily have a trainer prepare for you an individualized training program for a small fee. Keeping track of your progress and sticking to your goals will help you reach success in your workouts.
Read more here: Top 10 Habits of Elite Athletes
Aug 12, 2011
Breaking Down Barriers: Jennifer Archibald
Jennifer Archibald is the founder and artistic director of the
Arch Dance Company. With many years of
dance and choreography under her belt, dance is not the only way she stays in
shape. I had the chance to speak with Jennifer during a break at the Bates Dance Festival, in Lewiston, Maine.
What exactly are you doing in Lewiston?
I'm teaching Hip Hop and Hip Hop Repertory. We (my company) just got back from Jacobs Pillow, a festival in Boston. Dancers from all over the world come here to train with master teachers. I brought one of my dancers from France here to train with us.
When you are not teaching do you get the chance to workout?
Jennifer: Everyday.
Wow! Impressive what is a typical workout like for you?
Well I dance everyday. I also run 3 times a week about 9 miles total. Sometimes I will run the Brooklyn bridge after practice.
What about strength training?
About 3 times a week, but I also dance 5 times a week and cross train. When I'm training for a show thats really when I get into working out.
You obviously understand the importance of health and fitness. What are your thoughts on the rising obesity rates in America?
I immediately think about the children. I don't think schools and parents are teaching children how to eat properly. It's sad to think that we can't provide for our kids with healthier options.
Do you think that it is worse in America than in Canada?
Somewhat and it has to do with culture. Here in New York, on every corner there is a bodega offering cheap treats. But once you turn around the packaging and look at the ingredients its ridiculous! Not only are they very unhealthy but we don't know don't know what that stuff is.
Hopefully with the launch of Living Jade and your efforts we can somehow combat this! What do you have in the works right now?
I just taught a summer intensive workshop for teens. Right now we are touring a piece called the "Uncomfortable Truth" it explores the relationship between mothers and their daughters.
We actually got the chance to see it. Its pretty amazing!! Do you have more show dates?
Thanks! October 21-23 we are performing in Dumbo, Brooklyn at The Wave Rising series.
I can't wait to see it again! What's your mantra?
"Walls and obstacles are not built to keep you out. They are there to filter out the people that are too lazy to climb them..." I am a climber.
Check out Jennifer Archibald for performances, classes, and workshops! Also see check out Jennifer's YouTube channel. (Photo credit: Alastair Christopher)
Aug 10, 2011
Couples Who Workout Together...
Working out can sometimes be boring if you are alone. So grab a partner! Couples should especially take the time to workout together. Even if your fitness levels are different, there are ways to get a great workout and spend some quality time with each other. You can create a deeper bond with your partner and have fun while doing it!
Read about the benefits of working out with your partner and other ideas to stay in shape together: The Fitness plan for couples from Essence Magazine.
Aug 8, 2011
Get fit and Have Fun While Burning Calories
This weekend we took a day trip to the Poconos for biking, hiking and white water rafting. At the end of our trip we had hiked, biked and paddled a total of 38 miles! It didn't even feel like a workout because we were having so much fun. In any event we each burned around 1,500 to 2,000 calories the entire day (depending on size and weight of the person). For more fun ways to have fun and exercise at the same time, check out: The Unworkout: 7 Ways to Get Fit Having Fun
Aug 5, 2011
Setting the Stage with Sara Haley
Sara Haley is a fitness trainer, group instructor and global fitness consultant. She moved to NYC to pursue her dreams of dancing. However, along the way she found a new love for fitness. As a new mother nothing has stopped Sara from continuing to stay fit and healthy.
What is your favorite workout routine?
Sara: I like everything! But especially cardio, cardio dance in studios, and circuit training.
Is it difficult to workout now that you have a baby?
Sara: Yes 100%! It has changed my life. I went from working out whenever I wanted to trying to find time to workout without feeling guilty.
When you do find the time how long are your workouts?
Sara: They are usually between 30-45 minutes 5 times a week. Before I was pregnant I was working out 60-90 minutes. Thats why I stick to interval and circuit training, because its quick and effective.
Any advice for new mothers?
Sara: Yes! Whenever you have a break take it! Use that time to workout. Workouts need to be short and efficient. I even find ways to workout with my baby.
Really! How?
Sara: For example I will do ab exercises with my baby on my legs.
That's great! As a mother how do you feel about childhood obesity?
Sara: It's a travesty! Childhood obesity has a lot to do with parenting. If parents don't want to live healthy lives they should at least do it for their kids!
I can already see that your son is going to be in amazing shape!
Sara: My friends always joke about how strong my son is at 4 months. But it has a lot to do with the fact that I was working out during my pregnancy.
Do you think its important to workout when pregnant?
Sara: Yes, when I was pregnant I did all the same workouts as before just at a moderate level. I had two rules. 1) Make sure you can talk when working out. You need oxygen for you and your baby. 2) Regulate your temperature. You don't want to get too hot. I would sweat but made sure not to overheat.
Was your doctor ever concerned with your active lifestyle?
Sara: It's funny because I had three doctors since I travel a lot and not one of them asked me if I worked out. Maybe its not their territory but its important to workout when you are pregnant. There needs to be more information for mothers about prenatal workouts. I am working on a DVD for mothers right now.
Can you leave us with some inspiration?
Sara: Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find another one. That's my favorite quote.
Aug 3, 2011
Maximize Workouts with Interval Training
Interval training has many benefits from losing weight to decreasing your resting heart rate! Interval training can be done with any type of cardiovascular activity; for example, running outside or on a treadmill. Sprint for one minute, then jog for one minute, allowing your body to recover. Then repeat.
"The fewer times your heart beats per minute, the less wear and tear there is on the mechanics of the organ. Interval training makes your heart more efficient so it pumps more blood with each beat, reducing the number of beats per minute" (Fitsugar)
Read what Jade Alexis has to say about interval training in the August 2011 issue of Marie Claire (page180) Also learn more about the effectiveness of interval training; 7 reasons to try interval training.
Aug 1, 2011
The Popcorn Paradigm!
Does popcorn sound like a healthy
snack to you? It can be unless you are eating it at the movie theatre! Movie theatre popcorn is loaded with oil,
salt and fat. Often, at times we are coaxed into buying a larger bucket of
popcorn for a small fee.
“The issue here is quantity,” said
Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York University. “One of those
large tubs is three-fourths of a day’s calories.”
Learn how to enjoy your movie with a healthier snack and read more on Popcorn’s Dark secret.
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