Aug 5, 2011

Setting the Stage with Sara Haley

Sara Haley is a fitness trainer, group instructor and global fitness consultant.  She moved to NYC to pursue her dreams of dancing.  However, along the way she found a new love for fitness. As a new mother nothing has stopped Sara from continuing to stay fit and healthy.

What is your favorite workout routine?
Sara: I like everything! But especially cardio, cardio dance in studios, and circuit training.

Is it difficult to workout now that you have a baby?
Sara: Yes 100%! It has changed my life.  I went from working out whenever I wanted to trying to find time to workout without feeling guilty.

When you do find the time how long are your workouts?
Sara: They are usually between 30-45 minutes 5 times a week.  Before I was pregnant I was working out 60-90 minutes. Thats why I stick to interval and circuit training, because its quick and effective.

Any advice for new mothers?
Sara: Yes! Whenever you have a break take it! Use that time to workout.  Workouts need to be short and efficient.  I even find ways to workout with my baby.

Really! How?
Sara: For example I will do ab exercises with my baby on my legs.

That's great! As a mother how do you feel about childhood obesity?
Sara: It's a travesty! Childhood obesity has a lot to do with parenting.  If parents don't want to live healthy lives they should at least do it for their kids!

I can already see that your son is going to be in amazing shape!
Sara: My friends always joke about how strong my son is at 4 months.  But it has a lot to do with the fact that I was working out during my pregnancy.

Do you think its important to workout when pregnant?
Sara: Yes, when I was pregnant I did all the same workouts as before just at a moderate level. I had two rules. 1) Make sure you can talk when working out.  You need oxygen for you and your baby. 2) Regulate your temperature.  You don't want to get too hot.  I would sweat but made sure not to overheat.

Was your doctor ever concerned with your active lifestyle?
Sara: It's funny because I had three doctors since I travel a lot and not one of them asked me if I worked out.  Maybe its not their territory but its important to workout when you are pregnant. There needs to be more information for mothers about prenatal workouts.  I am working on a DVD for mothers right now.

Can you leave us with some inspiration?
Sara: Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find another one.  That's my favorite quote.