Aug 24, 2011

True Test of Fitness: Kettlebell Kickboxing

Last week Jade Alexis took a Kettlebell Kickboxing class at Anderson's Martial Arts Academy led by Dasha Libin. A change from the traditional workout this kettlebell class was definitely intense and lots of fun.

"I've always wanted to learn to use kettlebells and I love that the workout was mixed with martial arts" said Jade "The class had several kick boxing moves which were great for dynamic stretching, I definitely wanted to learn more!" The next day, Jade said that she was surprised she was not as sore as she thought she would have been.

"I think it may be the balance between the flexibility and strength training or the fact I am in pretty good shape."

All in all the class was great and the instructors were great. Only one gripe; "There were no showers! But that's typical of New York." said Jade.

The best part of the workout? "I really enjoyed going with my sister it was a fun activity for us to do together. We were both tired and exhausted from a long day and dreading the workout but after the class we were energized."

*Athleta was kind enough to provide us with passes for the kettlebell kickboxing class.