Jennifer Archibald is the founder and artistic director of the
Arch Dance Company. With many years of
dance and choreography under her belt, dance is not the only way she stays in
shape. I had the chance to speak with Jennifer during a break at the Bates Dance Festival, in Lewiston, Maine.
What exactly are you doing in Lewiston?
I'm teaching Hip Hop and Hip Hop Repertory. We (my company) just got back from Jacobs Pillow, a festival in Boston. Dancers from all over the world come here to train with master teachers. I brought one of my dancers from France here to train with us.
When you are not teaching do you get the chance to workout?
Jennifer: Everyday.
Wow! Impressive what is a typical workout like for you?
Well I dance everyday. I also run 3 times a week about 9 miles total. Sometimes I will run the Brooklyn bridge after practice.
What about strength training?
About 3 times a week, but I also dance 5 times a week and cross train. When I'm training for a show thats really when I get into working out.
You obviously understand the importance of health and fitness. What are your thoughts on the rising obesity rates in America?
I immediately think about the children. I don't think schools and parents are teaching children how to eat properly. It's sad to think that we can't provide for our kids with healthier options.
Do you think that it is worse in America than in Canada?
Somewhat and it has to do with culture. Here in New York, on every corner there is a bodega offering cheap treats. But once you turn around the packaging and look at the ingredients its ridiculous! Not only are they very unhealthy but we don't know don't know what that stuff is.
Hopefully with the launch of Living Jade and your efforts we can somehow combat this! What do you have in the works right now?
I just taught a summer intensive workshop for teens. Right now we are touring a piece called the "Uncomfortable Truth" it explores the relationship between mothers and their daughters.
We actually got the chance to see it. Its pretty amazing!! Do you have more show dates?
Thanks! October 21-23 we are performing in Dumbo, Brooklyn at The Wave Rising series.
I can't wait to see it again! What's your mantra?
"Walls and obstacles are not built to keep you out. They are there to filter out the people that are too lazy to climb them..." I am a climber.
Check out Jennifer Archibald for performances, classes, and workshops! Also see check out Jennifer's YouTube channel. (Photo credit: Alastair Christopher)