Jul 29, 2011

Elle Varner: Talented, Healthy, and Fit!

I caught up with Elle Varner, a talented artist from New York City, during one of her training sessions.  Elle sings, plays the guitar and writes her own music. Her first album is about to drop and in preparation Elle is busy in the studio but also finds time to stay fit!

Q: What can you tell us about your upcoming album?
Elle: It’s very exciting! It’s my personal journey mixed with guitar bass and hip-hop.  It’s definitely a new sound.

Q: It must be hard finding time to workout!
Elle: Well, I find time to train with Jade! The workouts are challenging but very effective!

Q: How has your fitness level changed since you have been working with Jade?
Elle: I have serious upper body strength now.  But, I don’t look too bulky.  This is the lightest and healthiest I have ever been in my life.

Q: Sorry! I know it’s hard to talk and run on the treadmill at the same time!
Elle: No this is good! Its distracting me!

Q: So, it seems like you were able to lose weight! But what about the rest of America, how do you feel about the rising obesity rates?
Elle:  Its horrible! The less fortunate can’t afford to eat healthy, so their only option is fast food!

Q: It’s so sad! There is no education either.  So what do you eat on a daily basis?
Elle: I try to eat mostly vegetarian and lots of fish.

Q: What about when you go on vacation?
Elle:(Laughs) I ate so badly the first day last weekend so I made sure that the next day I took my vitamins and I also had Kale!

Q: Kale is loaded with vitamins! So what celeb do you think has the hottest body?
Elle: (laughs) Reggie Bush! Oh and Tristan Wild!

Q:  Tell us something people may not know about you.
Elle: I make jewelry!

Q: Like Bedazzled?
Elle: (laughs) No, like real jewelry.  I make names out of wire also.

Q: That’s neat! Inspire us! Leave us with one of your favorite quotes.
Elle: “To thine own self be true” That’s Shakespeare I think…yep its Shakespeare. 

Jul 27, 2011

How Much Sleep is Enough?

Many people don’t even realize how important it is to have enough sleep. It is vital for our health and well being, yet may of us suffer from sleep disorders that inhibit our ability to get enough rest so that we are 100% functional.

“Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from lack of sleep.”

Put a stop to dozing off at work and find out how to get a good night’s sleep (which includes exercising regularly) read more about why sleep is important 

Jul 25, 2011

Gym Myths!

Last week Jade Alexis filmed a segment on Good Morning America about gym myths.  Jade puts Dr. Besser through a spin workout and corrects misconceptions about fitness.  If you missed the segment check out the link below for the online version! Jade Alexis w/ Dr. Besser on Good Morning America

Jul 22, 2011

Living Long & Living Strong

Dr. Wendy McGahee from New York City specializes in Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease.  Although she has a crazy schedule she has learned to maintain a healthy diet and stay fit! We had the chance to catch up with Dr. McGahee, ask her common health questions and find out her daily health and fitness routine.

Q:  How often do you workout?
Dr. McGahee: I workout 3-4 times a week, its tough because of my schedule but it is important to me, so I find the time.

Q: You train with Jade Alexis, what is that like?
Dr. McGahee: Oh boy! That’s loaded question! Training with Jade its lots of fun, competitive, challenging and she takes my exercise to another level.

Q: Eating well goes hand in hand with exercise, do you have a healthy diet?
Dr. McGahee: I didn’t always eat well.  I use to eat lots of fast food because I was on the run. But now I am very disciplined with what I eat.  

Q:  That’s hard for a lot of people to do especially when fast food is readily available! Don’t you agree?
Dr. McGahee:  It is hard for most people. I love food shopping its my therapy!

Q: What do you buy?
Dr. McGahee: Lots of fruits and veggies.  Beans are my favorite, breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Q: Beans for breakfast?!?
Dr. McGahee: Yes! An egg white omelet with beans and salsa and a little low fat Swiss cheese! It’s so good and healthy.

Q: Recommended veggies a day?
Dr. McGahee: At least 4 servings.  

Q: Eating healthy seems to be important, but what about sleep! How many hours of sleep do we need each night?
Dr. McGahee: 7-8 hours

Q: Thoughts on obesity?
Dr. McGahee: It’s a growing problem especially in children

Q: Really, I guess it has a lot to do with what parents are feeding their kids?
Dr. McGahee: Yes, and most people don’t cook at home they eat out.  We need to start teaching kids at an early age to eat their veggies and to get enough exercise rather than sit at home playing Xbox.

Q: Thanks so much for answering our questions! Can you leave us with one of your favorite quotes?
Dr. McGahee: “Living long & living strong” I’m going to live to 120 years old.

Jul 20, 2011

The Power of the Berry

The health benefits from berries are countless! Strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are among the many types of berries that help minimize potential health risks, decrease body fat, and improve your overall health!

“…we are developing a better understanding of the ways that certain foods can provide high quality nutrition and reduce the risk of disease. In berries, we have concentrated super foods that taste delicious, provide good basic nutrition, and contain profoundly beneficial compounds that can reduce the risk of many diseases, and promote vigorous health.” Read more: Berry Health Power

Stay posted this Friday for our health & fitness Q&A with Doctor McGahee!

Jul 18, 2011

Good Morning America!

This Wednesday July 20, 2011 tune in to Good Morning America on ABC to see Jade Alexis talk about common health myths.  Between 8-9am Jade puts News Anchor Dr. Richard Besser through a grueling spin & boxing workout! Stay posted for a new blog post Wednesday - The benefits of berries! 

Jul 15, 2011

One on One with Bobby Jones

Bobby Jones was drafted by the Philadelphia 76er's in 2006 after playing 3 years in the NBA he then moved on to play pro ball in Italy.  He is now currently waiting for his chance to play in the NBA again despite the frustration with the current NBA lockout.

Q: How do you stay fit in the off-season?
Bobby: I lift twice a week upper body one-day then lower body, mainly my favorite exercises that we did in college and the NBA. I also play in a Pro Am league.

Q: So I take it playing basketball is your favorite way to stay in shape?
Bobby: Yes! I’m not worrying about how many calories I’m burning I’m just having fun playing basketball and getting a workout in at the same time.

Q: Do you think you follow a healthy diet?
Bobby: No! (laughing)

Q:  But you are an athlete! Don’t you have to eat well in order to perform well?
Bobby: It’s my off-season for basketball and on season for eating unhealthy. Don’t judge me. 

Q: So junk food is your vice.  What’s your favorite?
Bobby: Hamburgers and pizza

Q: Good thing you workout often. What music do you listen to when you work out?
Bobby: Lil Wayne! Especially when he’s talking trash! He gets me motivated and brings up my energy level.

Q: So I heard you were on 5 NBA teams in one year! What team had the hardest workouts?
Bobby: Toronto! Other players have told me Boston & Chicago were intense.

Q: Why?
Bobby: Toronto had a lot of conditioning drills and full court shooting drills. Other teams don’t really test your conditioning they just want to see if you can shoot and play!

Q: Do you think you can beat me one on one?
Bobby: Who you? Nope, I can already tell you are an unstoppable force. 

Jul 13, 2011

Fighting Obesity from Birth!

With the advancement of technology, busy schedules & fast food we are becoming a more and more obese nation & in most cases it starts from our early years. It’s time we all took our health & well being a little bit more seriously. 

“For babies who can't walk yet, the government said physical activity should be encouraged from birth…It's vital that parents introduce children to fun and physically active pastimes to help prevent them becoming obese children, who are likely to become obese adults at risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers." (Maura Gillespie) 
Read more: www.foxnews.com/health 

Stay posted for Q&A this Friday with Bobby Jones! Learn how Bobby stays fit in the off-season, what NBA team has the hardest workouts and what hip-hop artist motivates Bobby while he’s lifting!

Jul 11, 2011

It's Hot! It's New, it's LIVING JADE!

Welcome to the new health, fitness, and wellness blog! Living Jade is the philosophy of Jade Alexis who is about to explode on the health & fitness scene.  She practices it, teaches it, and lives it.  It is health, fitness, and wellness for your everyday living. It's about mixing fitness, healthy eating, hot beats, and wild new interactive applications. Living Jade keeps you fit while having fun, in the gym, at home, and on the go. Once you get a taste of Living Jade you will want to not only live healthy but adopt an entirely healthy lifestyle.

In the next few weeks as we ready our movement for launch, follow Jade and her crew on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter @LivingJade.  Be fit. Have fun. Live fierce!