Jul 22, 2011

Living Long & Living Strong

Dr. Wendy McGahee from New York City specializes in Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease.  Although she has a crazy schedule she has learned to maintain a healthy diet and stay fit! We had the chance to catch up with Dr. McGahee, ask her common health questions and find out her daily health and fitness routine.

Q:  How often do you workout?
Dr. McGahee: I workout 3-4 times a week, its tough because of my schedule but it is important to me, so I find the time.

Q: You train with Jade Alexis, what is that like?
Dr. McGahee: Oh boy! That’s loaded question! Training with Jade its lots of fun, competitive, challenging and she takes my exercise to another level.

Q: Eating well goes hand in hand with exercise, do you have a healthy diet?
Dr. McGahee: I didn’t always eat well.  I use to eat lots of fast food because I was on the run. But now I am very disciplined with what I eat.  

Q:  That’s hard for a lot of people to do especially when fast food is readily available! Don’t you agree?
Dr. McGahee:  It is hard for most people. I love food shopping its my therapy!

Q: What do you buy?
Dr. McGahee: Lots of fruits and veggies.  Beans are my favorite, breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Q: Beans for breakfast?!?
Dr. McGahee: Yes! An egg white omelet with beans and salsa and a little low fat Swiss cheese! It’s so good and healthy.

Q: Recommended veggies a day?
Dr. McGahee: At least 4 servings.  

Q: Eating healthy seems to be important, but what about sleep! How many hours of sleep do we need each night?
Dr. McGahee: 7-8 hours

Q: Thoughts on obesity?
Dr. McGahee: It’s a growing problem especially in children

Q: Really, I guess it has a lot to do with what parents are feeding their kids?
Dr. McGahee: Yes, and most people don’t cook at home they eat out.  We need to start teaching kids at an early age to eat their veggies and to get enough exercise rather than sit at home playing Xbox.

Q: Thanks so much for answering our questions! Can you leave us with one of your favorite quotes?
Dr. McGahee: “Living long & living strong” I’m going to live to 120 years old.