Apr 10, 2012

Food For Thought

Did you indulge over the holiday weekend? Easter or Passover is no Thanksgiving  feast, but holiday time with family and friends often includes lots of food.  Here is some food for thought!  What we eat certainly affects our energy levels, moods, workouts, sleep patterns, muscle tone/mass and our body weight/appearance. I often encourage clients to follow a vegetarian and/or plant based diet. 

When I was nine, I was turned off meat and became a vegetarian for almost ten years. It was easy for me to become a vegetarian because my mother was also a vegetarian - she cooked very nutritious and delicious vegetarian meals. Unfortunately, when I went to college I starting eating chicken – it was too hard to compete as a Division 1 athlete and maintain a vegetarian diet in the university cafĂ©. Since graduation, I have reverted back to a vegetarian diet, I do eat fish and twice a year I will indulge on grass feed beef. 

A plant based diet has several benefits, including maintaining and/or losing weight. If you want to lose weight or gain more energy try following a vegetarian diet. When I suggest this to people the response is often “Then I can't eat anything, I will wither away”! This is not the case, there are so many choices that are filling and have protein. Some of my favorite include; chick peas, lentils, black beans, avocado, quinoa. For more vegetarian diet. For suggestions please check out: Vegetarian Times. Eat well!