Apr 20, 2012

Save Time With Interval Training

I came across an article yesterday, it reminded me of the inspiration and motivation behind Jade of Spades. The author, Ben Greenfield is a fitness and triathlon expert. 

One of the top excuses for not exercising is: "I don't have enough time."   Sadly, the health club culture has led us to believe that to get the body we want, we need to dedicate 45 to 90 daily minutes to the gym, plodding on the treadmill like a hamster in a wheel. But some of the busiest and fittest people I know rarely go to a gym or exercise for longer than 60 minutes. How can that be?  Studies have shown that brief, intense bursts of cardiovascular exercise, also known as High Intensity Interval Training, can boost the metabolism and burn far more calories more in a much shorter period of time compared to long, slow cardio sessions. You can use this concept to inject very short workouts throughout your day to quickly elevate your heart rate, get you breathing hard, and activate muscle fiber growth, without spending your precious time at the gym.

Jade of Spades is exactly this; brief, intense burts / high intensity interval training! If you haven't already played Jade of Spades, give it a whirl - you will not be disappointed!  I always have a great workout playing / exercising  with Jade of Spades, it is always fun to play with family and friends.  I also love playing while on vacation, there is no equipment needed and it takes little time.