Jan 6, 2012

Health & Fitness Challenges: Week One

Incase you missed any of the Living Jade Health & Fitness Challenges, here is a recap from this week! 

Day 1: Drink more water! Have a glass before every meal.
Day 2: Get off the bus 1 stop early & walk to work. 
Day 3: Before you eat lunch, go for a walk w/ a co-worker.
Day 4: No elevators or escalators today! Plan ahead, give yourself more time to take the stairs.
Day 5: Avoid all fried food! This includes crisps/potato chips, most appetizers at restaurants and wings!

Stay updated with challenges every day this month via Facebook & twitter! You can also find the challenges on the Living Jade website

Jan 4, 2012

15 Minute Workout Plan

Start your mornings off with the perfect workout plan. Wake up 15 minutes earlier & complete the cardio & total body workout plan I have created below.  It will jumpstart your morning & you will have more energy throughout your day! 

The 15 Minute Morning Workout Plan 
Squat thrusts 10
Push ups 10
30 second rest in Downward dog pose

Push ups 10
30 second rest in Child's pose

Squat thrust 10
30 second rest in Hero pose

End with Jade of Spades Core Series - Complete 10 cards.

*All exercises can be modified please see complete exercise videos here! For yoga poses please visit Yoga Journal.

Jan 1, 2012

The Best New Year's Resolutions

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going! -Earl Nightingale 

Having new year's resolutions are not as important as creating and setting goals. This year transform your new year's resolutions into goals and stick with them! I challenge you to create a fitness goal that is challenging but attainable, incorporate Jade of Spades into your goals and maximize your results. Happy New Year!