It is really important to continue eating healthy while on vacation. Couples Swept Away is an all inclusive resort with the option of buffet style. This can sometimes be difficult for people to contain themselves. However, fill your plate wisely!
When booking vacations most of us look for the bargain with the nicest hotel and cheapest resort, but it is equally important to consider what they have to offer in terms of food. You don't want to spend your vacation eating unhealthy. I noticed at this particular resort the restaurants didn't load our plates with food, instead they served just enough preventing overindulging, although there is nothing stopping you from getting seconds.
Another great perk about this resort is the abundance of vegetarian options and fresh fruit. I am not a vegetarian, but I do like to eat vegetarian once in a while because of the health benefits. I am definitely taking advantage of the fresh fruit especially the watermelon, papaya, grapefruit and my favorite lychee! There is nothing like fresh fruit.