Sep 6, 2012

Yoga In A Bottle

As I continue to juice daily, my skin is glowing and I feel great.  I'm constantly looking for and trying new juice combos.  Currently, I'm really into the Tumeric drink from Whole Foods.  The ingredients include: turmeric, ginger, cardamom, spearmint, agave, lemon, sea salt, cayenne, and cinnamon. Tumeric has several health benefits, it is widely known for its anti-inflammatory effects.   Take a look at this LIVESTRONG article for a more in depth understanding of Tumeric and its health benefits. Whole Foods  refers  to their Tumeric concoction as the "Anti-oxidant cleansing formula" and they call it "Yoga in a Bottle"; an innovative sports recovery drink. Stop by your local Whole Foods and try the Tumeric drink, or try making it yourself!