Apr 2, 2012

One World, One Home, One Heart

I was scrolling though the archives in my blog and I came across this post from September -which did not get posted. The irony is, my sister Rebecca passed away of cardiac arrest the day this post was supposed to go live. Rebecca passed away due to a rare disease called Oxalosis which had gone undetected for years. It caused kidney failure and eventually cardiac arrest.  Regular visits to the doctor are important to screen for such conditions and keep a clean bill of health. Please see the article below that was intended to go live on World Heart Day -September 29th, 2011.

Tomorrow we celebrate World Heart Day; One world, one home, one heart! Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in the world.  World Heart Day was created in order to inform and educate people everywhere of the risks.

Tobacco, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity are all risks that can lead to heart disease and stroke.  The scary part is that 80% of heart disease and stroke related deaths could have been avoided.

"Making changes in your daily life is so important.  Incorporating daily exercise and improving your diet are key elements for a healthy lifestyle, and will positively affect those around you, especially kids," said Jade Alexis.

For more information about heart disease and events taking place during World Heart Day please visit the World Heart Federation.