Jul 26, 2013

Music To Burn More Calories, Vol 1

Several studies conclude that it is advantageous to listen to music while exercising.   Music during workouts is great, people have  proven to exercise longer and harder ultimately burning more calories as the music drives them.  Music is a great motivator because it serves as a distraction from, pain, fatigue and the physical challenge of exercise.  "For some athletes and for many people who run, jog, cycle, lift weights and otherwise exercise, music is not superfluous - it is essential to peak performance and satisfying a workout" (Scientific America, 2013).  

I witness the benefit of music when I teach, people tend to move with the music, it certainly helps one push harder.  Also evident is the distraction music brings, popular songs or simply a song that resonates with someone brings smiles, energy, enthusiasm and  excitement - most importantly it helps people get into a zone and enjoy the moment as they work hard. 

Check out my current playlist

Clarity (feat. Foxes)

Take Me Home (feat. Bebe Rexha)
Cash Cash

I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix)
Lykke Li

Bizarre Love Triangle  (Shep Pettibone 12"Remastered Remix)
New Order

Crazy In Love

Top of the Pops 2011 (What the Fu*k)

Wake Me Up

The Airborne Toxic Event

Here's to Never Growing Up
Avril Lavigne

Same Love (feat. Mary Lambert)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
- Bob Marley

Jul 24, 2013

Reach For Your Toes

Over the past few years, I have developed an appreciation for stretching and flexibility.  Fitness programs are typically heavy on cardiovascular (cardio) and strength training elements but they lack flexibility.  Since most of us  have little time to exercise, flexibility often takes a back seat.  This doesn't have to be the case, flexibility can be incorporated into your cardio / strength workout.  Consider adding a yoga class to your routine, a hot power class or Vinyasa flow that involves strength and some cardio -  kill three birds with one stone!

If taking yoga is not your cup of tea, there is room to incorporate flexibility into your routine.  For example I noticed a couple exercising at the gym who were both in phenomenal shape, with great muscle tone, and exceptional flexibility. During their workout, instead of watching the clock on their rest periods, they stretched. The couple did some simple stretches like "bend over and touch your toes" as well as more advanced stretches and yoga poses.   Some simple yoga poses like child's pose and some more advanced like pigeon, lizard and the splits. Incorporating stretching into your workout routine is worthwhile.  Increasing and maintaining flexibility will enhance your range of motion and enable you to exercise at a higher level as well as better engage and develop muscle tone.   

As a competitive athlete, playing Division 1 basketball and boxing, I did very little flexibility work.  I now spend several hours a week taking yoga and stretching.  When I play basketball or mess around with the boxing gloves, I notice that my body moves with much more ease, making me a better athlete and allowing me to get more out of each workout. Furthermore, I've noticed that with improved flexibility I move better throughout life.

Flexibility is not just for yogis and dancers; it is for all of us!  

"I am always doing things I can't do.  That is how I get to do them." 
- Pablo Picasso