I'm embarrased to say that I was reading a gossip magazine! The cover story was "Hot Bodies 2012", and the magazine revealed several celebrity "get-sexy" secrets. Kelly Rowland, former Destiny's child singer and four time grammy winner has one of the best bodies in the industry. Us Weekly's interview with Kelly revealed that she exercises on a regular basis and eats a healthy diet. Kelly's routine includes weights, pilates, cardio, boxing and abs every night! The question I get asked most often, is "shall I do abs everyday?" The answer is, it depends!
If your goal is to get a flat stomach, abdominal exercises alone are not the most effective way to get rid of belly fat. The best way to lose stomach fat is to workout regularly with cardio, weights and healthy diet. If you are already in pretty good and want to develop better tone in the abdominals, doing ab exercises every day is okay. Some may argue that abdominal muscles are like other muscles and need 24 hours to recover between intense workouts, this is true. If you do an intense abdominal workout then, it is best to rest between workouts. But, if you are doing light abdominal routines daily, for example 100 crunches at night, then this is okay because it is "light", we walk daily, lift and carry things daily, our bodies are designed to move and be active. Light daily movement is ok.
Daily ab exercises will not help you lose fat around the stomach. Rather, focus your energies on 2 -3 intense ab workouts a week combined with a complete fitness program and proper eating. Although it is ideal to rest between workouts, daily ab exercises are fine. Consider Jack LaLanne, fitness guru and hero - Jack had a daily workout routine and it is said he did it up until his last day; Jack LaLane passed in 20011 at age 96. There is something to be said about daily exercise, if doing ab exercise daily helps keep you in a good routine and helps you maintain a healthy mindset, then crunch away. Don't negelct to strengthen your lower back too, it will help you stay balanced and prevent injury. Good luck with that six pack!