Oct 21, 2011

Om Your Way to Loose Hamstrings

Yoga has changed my life!  Every activity and athletic sport that I play has become easier because I practice yoga. After having 4 knee surgeries I was told "Don't do that... don't do this... never try that..." Now after taking the time to learn, study and practice yoga I can do things I could never do before.  

Yoga is not appealing to everyone and at first and I hated it because I couldn't do any of the postures, but through dedication my knees are much stronger, I've become loose, and flexible! 

In the recent October 2011 issue of Fitness Magazine, three yoga postures were listed to help loosen tight hamstrings. Do these stretches before, after or during your workout at least 4 times a week. You will notice a difference!

Downward Dog

Start on a mat in full push-up position with hands directly under shoulders. Slowly press hips toward ceiling, lowering heels to bring body into an inverted V as you press shoulders away from ears. Hold for five to seven breaths.

Warrior I

From downward dog, step right foot forward next to right thumb, bending knee at 90 degrees. Pivot on heel of left foot to turn toes out at a 45-degree angle and straighten torso upright into a lunge position with left leg extended behind you.  Keeping hips forward, lift arms overhead, pressing palms together. Hold for five to seven breaths.


From warrior I, rotate torso shoulder level, then bring right leg in one step and straighten right leg (feet should be about three feet apart). Hinge to right from hips to place right hand on floor by right foot or on shin as you extend left arm toward ceiling; look up at hand. hold for five to seven breaths. Repeat entire sequence twice, alternating sides.