Sep 26, 2011

Portion Control With Precise Portions

With Michelle Obama's initiative to curb obesity with the use of My Plate, what could be a better idea than Precise Portions!

"I often notice that most people's portions are off.  The Precise Portions dinnerware is great! It gives people a proper sense of what to eat and how much to eat," said Jade Alexis.

Precise Portions is designed by dietitians to help make it easier on people when it comes to portion size.

This way we can eat the right foods, including the right amount and subsequently lose weight. People eat with their eyes first.

Precise portions claim that if a plate of any size is not loaded then we perceive the portion is too small.  In fact the plates from 100 years ago were much smaller than they are today.

They even have a useful "Play with the Plate" section on their website that allows users to pick what foods they want on their plate. It will correct you if you pick the wrong type of food or too much of an item.  It is a great way to understand how much food should be on your plate and how to differentiate between lean meats, starches, and veggies!